Places that are a venue There are 23 places that are a venue

0.00753808021545 seconds
{'query': {'filtered': {'filter': {'and': [{'query': {'match': {'iso:country': {'operator': 'and', 'query': u'pl'}}}}, {'bool': {'must_not': [{'exists': {'field': 'edtf:deprecated'}}]}}]}, 'query': {'term': {'wof:placetype': 'venue'}}}}}
Would you like try this query again to include records that have been deprecated ?
  1. 1108702471 apivision — this is a venue in Poland
    • it was last modified on September 22, 2016
  2. 1108702473 Google — this is a venue in Poland
  3. 1108702475 Google — this is a venue in Poland
  4. 1108702477 DrClick — this is a venue in Poland
  5. 1108702479 Symetria e-business agency — this is a venue in Poland
  6. 1108702481 Lunar Logic Polska — this is a venue in Poland
  7. 1108702483 Contails — this is a venue in Poland
  8. 1108702487 Open-E — this is a venue in Poland
  9. 1108702489 VECTOR — this is a venue in Poland
  10. 1108702491 Funnela — this is a venue in Poland
  11. 1108702493 AmberBit — this is a venue in Poland
  12. 1108702495 Selteco — this is a venue in Poland
  13. 1108702497 Akond Lab — this is a venue in Poland
  14. 1108702499 Web Inn — this is a venue in Poland
  15. 1108702501 SmartApp — this is a venue in Poland
    • it was last modified on September 22, 2016
  16. 1108702505 SmartApp — this is a venue in Poland
    • it was last modified on September 22, 2016
  17. 1108702507 Bluerank — this is a venue in Poland
  18. 1108702509 JustProto — this is a venue in Poland
  19. 1108702511 Xandros — this is a venue in Poland
  20. 1108702513 Epuls — this is a venue in Poland
  21. 1108702515 Nozbe — this is a venue in Poland
  22. 1108702517 IPO — this is a venue in Poland
  23. 1108702519 Go28days — this is a venue in Poland
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