Places tagged combustibles

0.00764799118042 seconds
{'query': {'filtered': {'filter': {'and': [{'bool': {'must_not': [{'exists': {'field': 'edtf:deprecated'}}]}}]}, 'query': {'match': {'wof:tags': u'combustibles'}}}}}
Would you like try this query again to include records that have been deprecated ?
  1. 1058613145 Electrabel — this is a venue in Belgium
  2. 1058613149 Electrabel — this is a venue in Belgium
  3. 1058613199 Electrabel — this is a venue in Belgium
  4. 1058613203 Electrabel — this is a venue in Belgium
  5. 1058613205 Simogel — this is a venue in Belgium
  6. 1058613207 Westvlaamse Electriciteitsmaatschappij — this is a venue in Belgium
  7. 1041652907 Vanhaesebrouck Willy-luc — this is a venue in Belgium
  8. 1041958961 Delsart Ph. — this is a venue in Belgium
  9. 1041958963 Frans Van Der Straeten — this is a venue in Belgium
  10. 1058645315 Ivan Van De Walle — this is a venue in Belgium
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