Places tagged tableware

0.01047706604 seconds
{'query': {'filtered': {'filter': {'and': [{'bool': {'must_not': [{'exists': {'field': 'edtf:deprecated'}}]}}]}, 'query': {'match': {'wof:tags': u'tableware'}}}}}
Would you like try this query again to include records that have been deprecated ?
  1. 219181393 Matrix Worldwide Inc — this is a venue in United States
  2. 203402125 Universe Ceramics Inc — this is a venue in United States
  3. 354031901 Lendrum Fine Art — this is a venue in United States
  4. 404182819 Big Ideas — this is a venue in United States
  5. 555183049 Nina B Designs — this is a venue in United States
loading facets from the sky


There are 173 results and this is page 3 of 3